Learn more about
Auburn Harvest.

252 Megawatts of Renewable Energy in Osage County

Agriculture is the primary industry in Osage County. Wind, like any other crop, can be harvested by farmers. Turbines generate a regular cash stream for landowners, providing a supplemental income and increased financial security.

Wind turbines and access roads occupy a minimal percentage of the leased land, allowing farmers to continue growing crops or raising livestock at a wind farm site.

The Auburn Harvest Wind project is managed by Steelhead Americas, Vestas’ North American development arm, the world’s leading wind turbine manufacturer and service provider.

Wind turbine on open field


The project will install 56 Vestas wind turbines, for a total installed capacity of 252 megawatts (MW).


Construction is targeted to begin in 2025


This is enough electricity to power 75,000 US homes each year.

Wind Project
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Property Tax Revenue

Auburn Harvest will yield tens of millions of dollars in additional property tax revenue for Osage County over the 30-year life span of the project, providing long-term funding for schools, hospitals, roads, public safety services, and other county priorities.

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Overall Capital Investment

The overall capital investment of the Auburn Harvest Wind Project will be approximately $330 million.

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Employment Opportunities

Auburn Harvest will create many local employment opportunities, including 250 construction jobs and several well-paying, long-term career opportunities to help maintain and operate the turbines.

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Local Spending

Auburn Harvest will bring new economic opportunities to Osage County, including new business opportunities for local contractors and trade professionals as well as increased patronage of restaurants and local services.